Internationales > English Information > European Mediation Network Initiative (EMNI)

European Mediation Network Initiative (EMNI)

After discussions at conferences in Switzerland, Denmark, and Finland, a study group formed between 2006 and 2007. On 29 September 2007, the European Mediation Network Initiative (EMNI) was founded at the first European Mediation Conference in Vienna. Among the founding parties are 60 organizations and 60 individuals. Altogether, the network includes members from 47 European countries.

EMNI understands itself not as a competitor to existing organizations or umbrella organizations but as a complement and a networking offer.

Among the goals of EMNI are:

  • Improving the coordination in areas of communication, exchange of information, support offers, learning and education, and building and installation of competence.
  • Making the members visible.
  • Promoting mediation and contribution to shaping the future of mediation in Europe.